
We understand that good governance is not only crucial for our performance and relationship with shareholders, but it is also important for society and the environment. As a business we aim to maximise long term value for our employees, suppliers and customers, whilst having a positive impact on the environment, people and communities.

The Brickability Group PLC board has chosen to follow the QCA Corporate Governance Code since 2019. The policies, procedures and relevant systems which have been implemented to date have given us a firm foundation for our governance structure. 

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Our Achievements and Ambitions

Our Board believes that sound governance is fundamental to the long-term success of the company and has chosen to follow the QCA Corporate Governance Code which has given us a firm foundation for our governance structure. We have had some positive recent achievements but are still focused on our ambitions for the future.

Recent Achievements

25% women on the Group PLC board
Established an ESG governance structure and integrated ESG reporting into board meetings

Future Ambitions

To create a set of values which reflect the diversity and individuality of our businesses, whilst helping to create a cohesive culture
To deepen our approach to Task Force on Climate Related Disclosures (TCFD) reporting