ESG | 03 Dec 2021

Group Health and Safety Award Winners

This morning we were proud to congratulate this years' Brickability Group PLC health and safety award winners.

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These individuals were identified to be going above and beyond in the work place to ensure high standards of health and safety for them and their colleagues. We were honoured to invite them down to Head Office to present them with their awards and gifts, followed by a lovely group lunch. Thank you to all the winners for your continued efforts and thank you to our partners Safety Forward for your continued support.

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Pictured above from left to right - Pictured from left to right – Zoe (Safety Forward), Richard Cosgrove (Bespoke Brick, who oversees Health & Safety with Safety Forward), Jo Kesbey, Matthew Barnes, Kris Judge, Natasha Wakefield, Paul Hamilton and Marisa Firkin (Safety Forward). Second image - Jeanette Ward receiving her award from Chris Millican, Managing Director for Brick Services.

The Recipients

Dee Nolan – Matching Brick Bedminster (H&S Champion)
Dee is slightly different to the others as she wasn’t necessarily given an active H&S role. What Dee has done is off the back of her attending a first aid course, she took it upon herself to suggest new procedures regarding first aid that she felt would benefit the business. I admire people like Dee who aren’t afraid to poke their heads above the parapet to try and help improve a business.


Kris Judge – uPlastics
Drawing on the experience from Joe and his own previous roles, Kris takes great pride in being the H&S representative.

Jo Kesbey – Bespoke Brick
Jo is the kind of person a business needs, relentless and passionate about her role.

Natasha Wakefield – LBT Facades
Natasha faces different challenges beyond H&S at LBT, yet still ensures her tasks are completed without skipping a beat.

Matthew Barnes – Brickability Bridgend
Matthew is a huge advocate for H&S and a useful asset for Brickability, not only as a direct employee but to the group.

Jeanette Ward – Brick Services
Jeanette was handed the H&S reigns when Brick Services were lingering towards the bottom of the league table, she has turned it around impressively.

Sue Underwood – Crest Building Products
Sue is a plate spinner, what best describes sue is organised chaos, I admire how she has embraced the challenges she has faced.